IBM AIX Administration V1 is the full name of C9010-022 exam. There are 62 questions in real IBM C9010-022 exam, which will take the candidates 120 minutes to complete the test. The required passing score of IBM C9010-022 exam is 58%. The test language is English. The related certification is IBM Certified System Administrator - AIX V1. Try IBM C9010-022 free online test here:
Passtcert is a website to achieve dreams of many IT people. Passtcert provide candidates participating in the IT certification exams the information they want to help them pass the exam. Do you still worry about passing IBM certification C9010-022 exam? Have you thought about purchasing IBM AIX Administration V1 C9010-022 questions and answers pdf to assist you? Passtcert can provide you with this convenience. Passtcert training materials can help you pass the certification exam.
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Share some IBM Certified System Administrator C9010-022 exam questions and answers below.
Which command will read a volume group backup stored at /dev/cd1 and restore the /myapp/app.c file to the /data/testcode directory?
A. restorevgfiles -f /dev/cd1 -s -d /data/testcode ./myapp/app.c
B. restore -Tqvf /dev/cd1 -s -d /data/testcode ./myapp/app.c
C. listvgbackup -restore dev/cd1 -s -f data/testcode ./myapp/app.c
D. restvg -d /dev/cd1 -s -f /data/testcode ./myapp/app.c
Answer: A
Crontab file fields are defined as shown here:
minute hour day_of_month month weekday command
How should the following crontab entry be modified so that “command” only executes once on the first and fifteenth of every month?
0 0 1, 15 * 1 command
A. 0 * 1, 15 * 1 command
B. 0 0 1-15 * 1 command
C. 0 0 1, 15 * * command
D. 0 0 1, 15 * 0 command
Answer: C
Which component must be available to Cluster Aware AIX on each node to support cluster communication?
A. An lPv6 link-local address on each node
B. A dedicated vLAN that is not used for any other purpose
C. An lPv4 network address
D. A disk used only for heartbeat communication

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