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Share some CEH V9 312-50v9 exam questions and answers below.Which of the followingtypes of firewalls ensures that the packets are part of the established session? A. Switch-level firewall B. Stateful inspection firewall C. Application-level firewall D. Circuit-level firewall Answer: BWhat does a firewall check to prevent particularports and applications from getting packets into an organizations? A. Transport layer port numbers and application layer headers B. Network layer headers and the session layer port numbers C. Application layer port numbers and the transport layer headers D. Presentation layer headers and the session layer port numbers Answer: AYou are the Systems Administrator for a large corporate organization. You need to monitor all network traffic on your local network for suspicious activities and receive notifications when an attack is occurring. Which tool would allow you to accomplish this goal? A. Host-based IDS B. Firewall C. Network-Based IDS D. Proxy Answer: C
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